Without a current license, it is not even possible to purchase or drive a car in Dubai. Drivers who are caught driving without a license are subject to fines and penalties under Emirate law. Although getting a driving license in Dubai is a simple and straightforward process, you must pass a few tests. There is a required eye test in addition to the main tests that evaluate your knowledge and skills related to driving RTA Theory Test Dubai.

For test preparation, applicants can enroll in accredited Dubai driving schools. You can get a general idea of the three key exams you must pass from this guide DUBAI DRIVING LICENSE THEORY TEST.

RTA Theory Test


It's essential to have good vision if you want to drive. You must successfully pass a vision test at a facility that has been approved by the Roads and Transport Authority to determine whether your eyesight is sufficient (RTA).

The eye exam required for an RTA driving license is similar to any other eye exam. The optometrist tests the applicant's vision by having them read from a variety of distances while also asking them to read specific materials. You won't be able to obtain a driving license in Dubai if you can't pass this test because vision is the most crucial aspect of determining whether it is safe for a driver to operate a vehicle on the roads.


It is crucial that you are aware of all traffic regulations before you actually abide by them. The RTA driving theory test focuses on that. Here are a few test-related details you should be aware of:

35 questions make up the RTA's driving theory test, with 17 questions in the first segment and 18 in the second.

The first part of the exam focuses on typical road scenarios, and the second part asks questions about a particular vehicle license.

The test is available in English, Urdu, and Arabic

Candidates pass the test if they achieve a score of 65% (minimum of 11 in the first segment and a minimum of 12 in the segment).


In order to be admitted into the testing facility, applicants must bring their Emirate ID, driving record, AED 200, and two photos. The test center's invigilators make appropriate accommodations for anyone with a disability or special needs.


Applicants must enroll in practical training classes prior to the test, depending on the length of their license (if they have any).

·         Candidates who don't have a driver's license must sign up for 40 classes.

·         30 classes are required of applicants who have held a valid license in another country for two to five years.

·         Those who are applying after holding a license for at least five years must take 20 classes.


The following test looks at your driving on the road after you've finished the tests mentioned above. The driving school also administers internal parking and road tests of the applicant before the RTA's parking and road tests. You must park your car once you've arrived at your destination. It is highly improbable that drivers would be able to park their cars using only one method of parking. As a result, the test candidates are asked to park the car in various positions. The following are some of the primary parking techniques that the parking test examines:

·         Parallel putting a car in parking: Parallel to the road and next to other cars that are already parked.

·         Reverse parking is when you back into a parking space as opposed to pulling in front of it.


As the name suggests, the applicant for the test drives the vehicle alongside the instructor on public streets. The driver is instructed to make right, left, and U-turns while driving alongside other cars on a street.

The driver advances to the next phase if they persuade the instructor that they can navigate the busy roads with ease. During this portion of the test, new drivers frequently experience road phobia, but they can get over it if they make an effort to check off every item on the RTA driving checklist.


It makes sense that new drivers might believe it will be difficult to pass the RTA driving test and strict requirements. In actuality, even good drivers make mistakes occasionally and should be careful to avoid them when operating a vehicle.

They must realize, though, that the very purpose of licenses is to guarantee that only qualified drivers can operate vehicles on public roads, which greatly reduces the possibility of traffic accidents. If drivers fail to pass the driving test on their first try, it is advised that they revisit the issues that caused them to fail, improve their driving technique

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